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Vice President Fang Tiansan in Myanmar Attending a Ceremony to Celebrate Full Production of Letpadaung Copper Mine

         December 22nd 2018, at the invitation of Myanmar Wanbao Mining Copper Limited, China Nerin Vice President Fang Tiansan, Deputy Chief Engineer Wei Zhongchao, Project Manager Ma Chenggang, and Supervision Company General Manager Yang Xiaowei attended a ceremony held in Letpadaung Copper Mine, Myanmar, to celebrate its full production of cathode copper at 100,000 ton/year in 2018.

         In 2010, China Nerin was awarded the engineering design project for Letpadaung Copper Mine, Myanmar, after a fierce bidding competition, and then completed the project feasibility study, basic engineer design and detailed engineer design successively. Since 2012 when the project construction started, in face of various difficulties and challenges, especially the challenging external construction conditions at the project location, China Nerin Project Team had been actively cooperating with the Owner to adjust and modify the development plan and design drawings according to the changing conditions. In 2015 when the project construction went to the right direction, Nerin engineers still provided site services and technical instructions to ensure the project was constructed with high quality standards according to the schedule.

         Letpadaung Copper Mine produced its first high-quality cathode copper on March 11th 2016, broke through the mark of 10,000 ton/ month copper for the first time in July 2018, and reached the design production capacity of 100,000 ton/year in the very year of 2018, which marks the birth of another world-class copper mine complex that integrates mining, mineral processing and smelting and indicates China Nerin has reached a new height in its overall level of engineering design in mining, mineral processing and smelting.